Meet Anne, new home owner.
One week before her mortgage settled Anne purchased a Chanel handbag. Not willing to divulge how much she spent on it, Anne believes it was a wise investment. And why shouldn’t a 24 year old who’s spent years studying and now has a well-paying, secure fulltime job buy her self a handbag?
That might be the last Chanel bag young Anne purchases for the near future, however, most of her wages are now promised to something that carries a little more prestige – her first home.
The first in her circle to enter into a mortgage, Anne is not only setting a precedent among her friends, but in fact, she is also the first in her family to have a mortgage.
In 1988 Anne’s mother approached the bank for a home loan, with a decent deposit she was ready to invest. For whatever reason, the bank didn’t approve her home loan. In retaliation, Anne’s mother took that deposit and booked a flight across the other side of the world to find herself.
She found herself in Canada. She also found Anne’s father.
The couple spent a few years in working and saving abroad, before returning to Australia (where Anne was born.)
Cut to 1993, the married couple approached the bank again for a home loan – again, not approved. Anne’s father was self-employed and back then it wasn’t recognised by the big banks as a ‘secure investment’. This time, instead of running, the couple worked their butts off and purchased their first property outright
Almost 2 decades later the mortgage free couple’s middle daughter would attempt to break the family juju by applying for her own home loan. The difference? Anne, learning from her parents’ unsavoury experiences, stayed very clear of the banks, instead opting for a mortgage broker.
Welcome Belinda and TMFG. Anne had found her perfect partner. Along the way Belinda served up a fruitful platter of information to Anne – who learned about offset, variables and over-drafting – things her bank had never clued her in on.
Imagine at 24 years of age, being the first in your family and friendship circle to have a mortgage? Sounds a bit daunting, but with the guidance of TMFG, Anne is more than ready to take carry the torch – most likely she’ll pop it in that Chanel carry-all, because, why not?
Let's talk about acquiring your first home...