Invoice Finance can turn your debtor’s book into cash.
No more waiting for a cash flow miracle, get pro-active and ask us about the business-fertile world of Invoice Finance.
Want to inject working capital to help business grow,
Close the funding gap between paying staff and receiving invoice payments,
Purchase stock for seasonal growth,
Access cash upfront against your unpaid sales?
Invoice Finance can help.
Access business funds tied up in invoices, lend against your unpaid sales invoices, and allow your business to grow without the bricks and mortar security.
Release up to 85% of the present value of your debtor’s book.
Don’t wait, get your business growing, now!
How many times do you have a hot business idea that could take your business next level but you ‘just have to wait on those last few invoices to be paid’ before you can move?
Invoice Finance provides valuable cash flow allowing immediate growth, providing fast, uncomplicated finance approval, settled within a minimum timeframe.
How does it work?
A finance limit is set and, as customers pay their invoices, outstanding or new invoices are raised against goods sold. Available funds balance are adjusted giving you access to cash when you need it most – and no more waiting 30 - 45 days or longer, Invoice Finance can unlock funds within 24 hours.
Who can use Invoice Finance?
Labour hire, wholesale, manufacturing, distribution, mining, transport & logistics or any service business, are all prime contenders for invoice financing.
Invoice Finance is also perfect for businesses in start-up or rapid growth situations, and those that don’t qualify for traditional bank finance.
Do you:
- Sell to other businesses?
- Have a sizeable debtors ledger?
- Require access to money tied up in invoices?
- Have expertise in managing and maintaining your debtor’s ledger?
Good news, you qualify.
Ok let’s do this…how can TMFG help?
TMFG are experts in Invoice Finance.
TMFG offer specialist advice and investigate all possible solutions.
We’ve assisted numerous businesses through invoice finance solutions: wholesalers, food importers/manufacturers & wholesalers, labour hire businesses, and many service providers. We’re confident we can help you.
Time to get your business up and growing – why wait any longer?
Let’s investigate together. Call us today.
Unlock your financial tomorrow, today with TM Finance Group