More awards on the horizon? TMFG nominated (twice) for coveted national broking awards.

More awards on the horizon? TMFG nominated (twice) for coveted national broking awards.

Charge your glasses, gang…

TMFG is in the running to take out more awards, this time at one of Australia’s most coveted mortgage broking awards.

“Social & Community Service Program of the Year & Diversification Program of the Year”

To be nationally recognised by the 2018 Australian Broking Awards, now in its eighth consecutive year, is a massive deal for us.

The award TMFG is in the running for is the most humbling, given the nature of our social enterprise program is driven by deeply personal experiences from ourselves and our clients.

Insider Tax Tips From A Pro...

Insider Tax Tips From A Pro...

It’s that time again!

The financial year is closing in, and we know that means panic for some. But instead of drowning yourself in red wine and chocolate and hiding until July 1, we have an easier solution…

TMFG spoke with Chartered Accountant Jon Madgwick, from J D Madgwick in South Melbourne and asked him to share his, tax tips.

You’re welcome!

From Outback Cowboy to Gippsland stock agent, in life, Aaron really takes the cow by the horns.

From Outback Cowboy to Gippsland stock agent, in life, Aaron really takes the cow by the horns.

Delivering papers as a kid delivered Aaron his first taste of the value of hard yakka –  young Aaron earned himself a whopping $20 per fortnight for his fortitude. It may seem like pittance to current day Aaron, or you and I, but what that $20 gave young Aaron was opportunity and goals. Saving every dollar he earned until he could buy something valuable, to which he vaguely recalls was “probably a cow or something”, was an early and fruitful lesson in investment.

TMFG snag 2 Nominations for the Mortgage & Finance Association Awards

We don't do it for the awards, but it always blows us away when we're recognised by the industry for the work we do.

Even more so when that recognition reflects areas of our work that drive our passion, not only for finance but for specific areas of customer service. 

The Mortgage And Finance Association Australia (MFAA) are the peak national body representing over 13,000 professional finance brokers. Their annual award ceremonies reward some of the leaders in finance in Australia, and we are so honoured to be among those nominated this year, for not one, but 2 awards.

TMFG are up for two 'State Excellence' titles in the upcoming awards;

  • Diversified Business Award
  • Community Champion Award

We are so proud of our work in these areas, and it will be a wonderful achievement for us to take home even one award. Awards to be announced May 10, stay tuned and fingers crossed!




At just 24 years of age, Anne has her financial future in the bag.

At just 24 years of age, Anne has her financial future in the bag.


 Anne, new home owner.

One week before her mortgage settled Anne purchased a Chanel handbag. Not willing to divulge how much she spent on it, Anne believes it was a wise investment. And why shouldn’t a 24 year old who’s spent years studying and now has a well-paying, secure fulltime job buy her self a handbag?