Buying Property? You need a Buyer's Advocate, here's why...

Buying Property? You need a Buyer's Advocate, here's why...

In the current, highly competitive market it pays for the every day property buyer to recognise the value of expert assistance. In this case, we’re talking specifically about a buyer’s advocate, and here’s why...

While investing in, and building a diverse property portfolio remains one of the most popular wealth creation strategies among Australians, many Australian investors simply don’t know where to begin. From sourcing the right property to negotiating price, the process is highly involved and mostly daunting for an inexperienced buyer.

According to recent reports, the use of buyer’s advocate remains a proven key strategy for both experienced and novice investors alike when in comes to securing “the” property.

Ready to invest?

TMFG can help, but first, we’ll break down some of the actual benefits of using a buyer’s advocate in case you’re not convinced.

How to keep your home (even if you lose your health, or your job)

How to keep your home (even if you lose your health, or your job)

Do you know how you – or your family - would meet your repayments if you suffered a serious injury, illness, or even death? What about if you lost your job? Nobody likes to think about it

Unfortunately, 60% of Australians believe they'd need to sell an asset within three months of losing their income. So it's something that can't be ignored.

We have a solution that can put your mind at ease…

The good news is we may be able to help.