New Edition Out Now! TMFG Newsletter: Edition 4

Welcome to the October edition of our client newsletter!

This month we focus on YOU - customer service and service delivery:

  • There are still places left to attend our exclusive Networking Lunch next week
  • Our director shares her article on how easy it is for you to refinance if you're not happy with your current lender
  • We introduce our showcase client Logo Express, for all your Corporate or Sports Uniform needs
  • We reach out to congratulate the New Mayor of Bega Valley Shire Council, Kristy McBain

Click here to read issue number 4


Announcing TMFG's first ever B2B Networking lunch in Port Melbourne

Announcing TMFG's first ever B2B Networking lunch in Port Melbourne

At TM Finance Group, we are proud supporters of B2B and believe creating a culture and encompassing our business community is important.

Join TMFG at the iconic Railway Club Hotel, Port Melbourne for our kick-off networking event – an afternoon of inspiring dining, featuring guest speaker, Sophorn En, Director of Riveren Property Investment Group.

We are very excited to announce the first ever Business to Business networking lunch hosted by TMFG next month.

Hot off the press! TM Finance Group Newsletter: Issue 3

Hot off the press!  TM Finance Group Newsletter: Issue 3

Welcome to the latest edition of our client newsletter!

Have you ever wondered what your savings could look like by using a mortgage broker? From finding a lower rate, to saving you time, right through to providing a portfolio for business lending.

In this edition, we feature the following:

  • October B2B Networking Luncheon
  • "Start with TMFG and follow the savings right to settlement"
  • Supporting our community through social prosperity 
  • Are you our next finance gun? 
  • "TMFG Proud Supporters of B2B" - Client Showcase Product

TMFG Simple Guide To Refinancing

TMFG Simple Guide To Refinancing

Thinking about refinancing?

Refinancing doesn’t only apply to home and investment property, you also have the same scope to refinance commercial property and business lending.

People and businesses generally refinance for 1 of 4 reasons:

  • Change in interest rates and fees,
  •  Debt consolidation
  • To access equity in their property or to
  • Improve service and lender satisfaction. 

If any of these reasons relate to your current personal or commercial loans, perhaps it is time to look into your refinancing options, and there’s no better place to start than with a qualified professional. A mortgage broker can help you wade through the pros and cons of re-financing, but first let’s look at a few reasons to consider before making the move toward refinancing.

TM Finance Group Newsletter: Issue 2

TM Finance Group Newsletter: Issue 2

Welcome to the second edition of our client newsletter!

In this edition, we introduce our Assistant Loan Writer, Evelyn Clark, and share our Showcase Client of the Month's product, "So Shells".

Our highlighted articles detail the benefits of using a mortgage broker, property insurance, and sharing our B2B knowledge:

  • "Why You Should Use A Mortgage Broker..."
  • "Did You Know... About Property Insurance Between Exchange and Settlement?"
  • "TMFG Proud Supporters of B2B" - Client Showcase Product