Lender changes, more awards, survey results, and a very special TMPeople …
2019 has been off to a flying start, and while we are now well into the year one pattern that is emerging is CHANGE, with that comes significant opportunity for your personal and business financial needs.
In February the Government released the final report of the Royal Commission misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry. While it’s business as usual for now, Mortgage Brokers will continue to receive Upfront and Trailing Commissions paid by the financier, with further review in 3 years’ time…
Read full TMFG Autumn Newsletter by clicking below…
Also In the Autumn issue:
Home Series: Part 1, A personal TMFG First Home-owner Story, by our one and only Director
Better Business Awards, Belinda wins (another)
Our Customer surveys reveal great results...
2019 TMPeople series has kicked off for the year with an uplifting story of change from one of our clients.
Did you know we handle competitive Personal Loans?