Written by Mandy DelVecchio
TMFG's Belinda Gibson, is proving there is room for change in the traditional finance world. From investing in social change, running marathons, to mentoring young female brokers, it’s only just beginning for Gibson, recently scoring 3 nominations along with top place for Diversification at the prestigious 2017 Australian Mortgage Awards (AMAs) – all this in her first year in business.
Belinda Gibson of TM Finance Group (TMFG) was not new to finance when she started her own business in 2016. With 14 years Commercial Finance experience in the bag, working for some of the largest finance corporations in the country, Belinda started feeling the ‘glass ceiling’ in her potential lowering at the larger banks. Knowing her goals couldn’t be met within a corporation, she decided to take the leap of faith toward a lending business of her own – a chance to do it ‘her way’. Her way turned out a fruitful one, heralded by the recent AMA for Diversification, reflecting the broad range of product offerings from her small company.
‘Diversification’ represents TMFG’s full suite of financial products, but the diversity spreads to their clients too. TMFG reach to find financial solutions for those a little outside the traditions of what ‘financially viable’ looks like – including professional sportspeople, trading businesses, developers, and property investors.
The award, an astounding achievement for the boutique finance group, in its first year of business, Belinda insists was a team effort. A humble team of two women, TMFG strength is in their tenacity to push boundaries, achievable with Belinda at the helm and skippered by Junior Broker, Evelyn Clark.
At just 22, Evelyn has a similar drive to her mentor and boss. In a little over a year with TMFG, in what began as an assistant’s role, Evelyn very quickly escalated to a Finance Broker with several specialties, recently graduating from Monash University with a Degree in Commerce. A young mortgage broker is a rarity in the industry, a young woman, even scarcer. Evelyn’s achievements come as no surprise to Belinda, who made one of her business and personal goals to mentor and encourage more women lenders.
It’s not only the national award circuit they are impressing, the ladies at TMFG are also making impact closer to home. Alongside their ‘Social Prosperity’ campaign – TMFG donate a set amount from every new loan settled to a selected charity every quarter – Belinda recently completed the Melbourne Marathon and prior to this completed Run Melbourne, raising over $2,000 for FIGHT MND. While Evelyn, a keen and decorated sports-woman, commits her time outside TMFG to coaching and umpiring junior girl’s netball.
TMFG lead a monthly networking group for female lenders called ‘Ladies Who Lend’. The group comprises likeminded women and small business owners from the finance sector who share experiences, tips – even clients. Whether it’s by help from them directly or someone within the network, the ‘Ladies Who Lend’ see every client within their small pool reach financial goals.
Belinda says of her inspiration to be her own boss,
“By establishing my own business, I’m able to lead and develop staff, and as an advocate for Women in Business I wanted to see more young women enter the industry for a career in finance, particularly commercial finance – for too long it’s been a male dominated industry”
And on reflection of her recent award achievements,
“Achievements at the AMAs are a testament to my own personal achievements this past year. It reflects my determination to break from the mould and my leadership direction, particularly as a role model for young women, that a team of just 2 could take out an award representing such a large pool of specialties in a male-dominated industry.”
For more information on ‘Ladies Who Lend’ or TMFG’s diverse financial services, phone Belinda Gibson on 0448 275 630, or see website www.tmfinancegroup.com.au