Courage, Grit & Determination

Courage, Grit & Determination

Running 42kms at age 42 – something that has been on my bucket list for a couple of years.  People think you’re crazy when they hear you’re training for a Marathon.  I’ve never thought of it like that.  I associate it with being fit and disciplined – challenging yourself. 

I first trained for the Melbourne Marathon in 2015.  That year my sister, Amy Wilson, was engaged to be married in Harvey Bay.  However, she brought her wedding forward to the Friday of the marathon weekend!! It was brought forward for good reason; with her mother suffering terribly from MND at the time, her dream was to have Lynne walk her down the aisle whilst she still could.

Now, 2017 is my year.

In preparation for the Melbourne Marathon, I followed the Steve Monaghetti Training Plan. Despite now being able to run a half marathon with my eyes closed, this plan was unlike anything I have ever done before. 

Firstly, running 5 days a week is not my thing!  3 or 4 times, sure! But 5? I remember reading the training plan for the first time thinking “HOW I am ever going to do this?”.

And how did I do it?

Finance, Insurance, Awards and More! Newsletter Out Now

Welcome to the Latest Edition of our Client Newsletter!

At TM Finance Group, we are pretty pumped to share some exciting news with you - TMFG have been nominated for three Australian Mortgage Awards!
Being nominated for these awards is both an honour and testament to the value we place on our personalised service, with the client at heart.

That is why, this months' newsletter focuses on the added value we give YOU; Insurances, Pre-Approvals & our First Home Buyers Information Night.

  • Are you a First Home Buyer, or do you know someone looking to purchase their first home?  TMFG present an exclusive information evening, answering all-things-first-homes.
  • This edition also covers the benefits of Pre-Approved Finance to secure your next property purchase. 

But that's not all! Ask us how we can be of assistance with your Home, Contents, Building, Landlord or Tenant Insurance.

Australian Mortgage Awards Finalist

Australian Mortgage Awards Finalist

If you follow TM Finance Group, you may be aware we have recently been nominated as finalists for the Australian Mortgage Awards in the following two categories:

  • Best Customer Service from an Individual Office

  • Brokerage of the Year – Diversification

But... we've saved the best 'til last!!

TM Finance Group have also been nominated as finalists for New Brokerage of the Year, and we couldn't be more excited to share this with you!

Guarantor Loans Explained

Guarantor Loans Explained

Saving for a deposit is time consuming and costly to say the least!  Obtaining a 20% deposit is difficult in a rising property market, and can restrict first home buyers.  Lending becomes tighter for loans over 80%, and a Lenders Mortgage Insurance Premium is additionally required.  When adding on stamp duties, government charges and solicitor fees, things can start to add up quickly!

Guarantor loans can offer a solution to this, allowing you to purchase with a lower deposit required.

So, what is a guarantor loan?

Your guarantor essentially ‘guarantees’ your home loan by using their property as security.  That is, the bank holds both your property and your guarantor's property as security.  Most commonly, parental guarantees assist in buying first homes.  Say you wanted to purchase a property for $500k, but only had $25k cash savings, your parents could guarantee an additional $75k against their property to reduce your lending value to 80% of the purchase price.

What are the benefits?

  • Lower deposit required
  • Overall loan is 80% or less - so no Lenders Mortgage Insurance is required
  • Interest rate may be lower - as rates with some lenders are tiered for loans above 80%
  • Some lenders allow you to limit the size of the guarantee